Web Hosting Glossary You Need to Know

Although web hosting is just meant a hosting service, many website terms are connected to web hosting, and it is very essential to a person to know important hosting terms who is fully new in the web hosting services and Domain world.

Here in this article you will get to know each and every small technical term of web hosting and which is required for you to know.

Terms you should know which is familiar to Web Hosting

  • Domain name - A domain name is termed as the name of your particular website through which people can find your website online or in any search engine. You can register your own domain name, and that name in search engines will recognize your website. For example, if your business name is xyz, you can choose your domain name as xyz.com.

  • DNS - DNS is also known as a domain name system. It is an internet version of the yellow pages. Domain names connect your website with human-readable domain names. It maintains the database of domain names and translates them into internet protocol addresses. 

  • Domain registration - Domain registration means when you buy a domain name, you have to follow the process of registering your domain name to make your website domain name visible to internet users; in short, it helps your website to be live. 

  • Bandwidth - Bandwidth is the amount of space you are getting in your hosting service to store your website's important data or information. It is the storage capacity of your website files in a particular hosting service. 

  • Control panel - Control panel is mainly provided by the web hosting provider with whom you have bought your web hosting services. It works as a content management system for your website. You can easily post content on your website with the help of cPanel. It helps to manage your website through a single interface. 

  • CMS - CMS stands for the content management system; it is a system that runs in the backend and manages the content on your website. 

  • IP Address - The IP address is an internet protocol address used to identify an address. This address is a human-readable label that points towards an actual readable IP address that the computer can understand. 

  • SSL Certificate - SSL stands for socket layer. SSL is encryption that helps people to have a secure transaction on the website. If you have an ecommerce website, it is likely compulsory to have an SSL certificate in order to accept payments in a secure way. 

  • Shared hosting - Shared hosting is a type of hosting where many websites are hosted on a single server. And there is a limitation in shared hosting as the resources like bandwidth, server resources, etc everything is shared. 

  • Windows hosting - Windows hosting is based on the windows operating        system. This hosting offers all the windows specific technologies like ASP, .Net, MMSQL, etc.

  • Malware - Malware is an unwanted cyber attack done by malware attackers to infect your website. Cyber attackers use this harmful software to damage your website and infect your website with unwanted traffic. 

  •  VPS hosting - VPS is also known as a virtual private server. A virtual private server is virtually partitioned. VPS server is different from the dedicated server, but it almost works as a dedicated server cause it mostly has dedicated resources. VPS is both windows and Linux-based servers. 


  •  Dedicated hosting- Dedicated hosting essentially means that your website has its own server, and you can manage it all by itself as it is not shared with anyone. The user in this gets complete control over the server and the resources. 

  •  TLD - TLD means top-level domains. TLD is the last segment of the domain name that follows the. For example, yunix.com this .com is the TLD. TLDs are divided into two types country-specific TLDs and Generic TLDs. 



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