What is a Domain Extension

 The domain extension is the letters that follow the final periods of the internet. Means the last part after the domain name. Top-level domains are another term for domain extension. Choosing a suitable domain extension for your site purpose or for branding can be pivotal to its success. Well, now let us look at the history of domain extension. 

History of Domain extension 

The original domain name extension was first introduced or launched in 1985. The body of computer scientists especially known as the internet assigned numbers authority ( IANA) launched six top-level domains, i.e., .com, .net, .edu, .org, .mil, and .gov  but after some time. Two new domain extensions were launched, i.e., .ca and .us, which increased the name of the list to 5 top-level domain names. Let us understand it briefly. 

Top five top-level domains 

1. .com - .com is a short form for commercial domain extension, and it is also a mostly used extension. It is mostly used for commercial websites. This extension was first administered by the U.S. Department of Defense and quickly subcontracted with SRI international. Although by the mid-’90s, .com was created for commercial entities, and were no restrictions for those who wanted to register these extensions. With the mainstreaming of this domain, .com became one of the popular top-level domains. 

2. .edu - The dot .edu extension was created for all educational institutions worldwide. But then, after some time, American educational institutions adopted the .edu domain, and the rest non-us the educational domain has been used all around the world. 

3. .net -  The .net extension is mainly for organizations with the main hand in networking technologies, such as infrastructure companies and internet service providers. In 1985 NORDUnet created its first .net domain extension, and Nordedu has been starting called NORDU.net. This was first created to connect nordic educational networks with national research to exchange information. 

4. .gov -.gov can be only used by the US government bodies. It is mainly for federal government sites. But after 2002, In 2003, it was not only for the federal government but was also opened up for state, local and tribal governments. 

5 .org -  .org is mainly created for nonprofit organizations. However, this constraint was not rigidly enforced and was lifted later on. But in July 1985, the miter corporation became the first group to register a dot org with mitre.org, well however this domain is mainly enforced for nonprofit organizations. 


However, there are several things that you have to keep in mind while selecting the domain extension. So, for this reason, a thorough understanding of domain name extensions will help you to find the best domain for your organization. 


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