what is a WHOIS and why is it important?

 WHOIS is a global catalog of domain ownership and controller information. It is mainly used to see who owns the domain and how to get in contact with them. It also shows additional information about the domain, the register of the domain, and the IP address.

When a domain is registered through a domain name registered or through domain name service then at that time, ICANN requires registration information to be made publicly available.  It contains important information such as who the domain is registered with, name, address, phone number, email, and name server information. The information in the WHOIS is considered a single source of truth for those who own a domain. 

Why is WHOIS important? 

1. Stabilization and security 

WHOIS reinforces the stability and security of the internet by providing network operators and computer incident response teams with appropriate contacts. WHOIS values your domain privacy and will help your website by helping to value your important website information hidden from view. 

2. Will help you from identity theft. 

Nowadays, malicious attacks have been increasing daily, and many spammers will seek to steal your identity and information and gain control over your property or website. But now it's impossible because of WHOIS; your email, like your phone no, and another person will not see your email id, so spammers will not be able to attack or steal your important information. 

3. Whois reduces spam. 

As you might not know, but your contact information is visible in a WHOIS search, and as it is visible, there is a high risk that many marketers will use this information to sell any product virtually. And also, there is a chance of many spam emails might hit your website. But now it's likely impossible because of WHOIS. 

4. Will help to hide the personal location.

Imagine that you have an ecommerce site out of your home or you have started a blog from your personal location, and it suddenly became more popular. Now you really don't want people showing up directly to your house, so WHOIS will help you hide your personal location. 


WHOIS Is a must and the most important element for any website. As it can be used in many aspects of your website likely to keep your privacy safe and secure.



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