What is the use of C panel and WHM?

 Do you also think that C Panel and WHMS both of their process and uses are the same in the web hosting world? Then you are wrong both have different uses, and both do have different roles in the web hosting world. 

Well before diving into the uses of C PANEL and WHMS, let me give you a small introduction to C Panel and WHMS. 

What is C Panel? 

Cpanel panel is a popular control dashboard that helps you to manage your hosting platform using a human-friendly web-based interface. It basically has a Linux base graphical interface used as a control panel to simplify server and website management. There are a lot of things to be achieved inside it, from installing wordpress to creating staging sites and much more let's know its uses one by one 

C Panel uses 

1. By using C Panel, you can easily manage your website files. You can cover topics such as creating backups, editing files, managing FTP, and more in that collection. 

2. C Panel offers a lot of features to support email, such as filtering spam changing the time zone in the webmail, using Remote MX Wizard, and also managing Email Disk usage. 

3. You can use C Panel to manage logging features on your websites, such as the log programs, the error log, resource limit information, and many more. 

4  With the help of CPanel, you can manage a wordpress site with just two clicks by using the wordpress tool kit in the C Panel. 

No as you got to know about C Panel and its uses, let us now know about WHMS and its uses 

What is WHM? 

WHM is a powerful program that allows administrative access to the backend of the C Panel. Users can easily manage a number of websites using WHM. It makes it easy for anyone to have their own dedicated server, even if they have no knowledge of Linux. WHM gives you a lot more control and flexibility when managing a large number of websites. On top of giving you the ability to sell web hosting services to others, it also gives to host multiple options to create and manage multiple C Panels. 

WHM Uses

1. WHM allows users to create individual accounts 

2. By Using WHM, you can add domains to the server

3. WHM allows users to install and manage SSL certificates. 

4. It also allows the assignment and whitelisting of IP Addresses. 

5. WHM allows you to reset passwords and contact email addresses for the C Panel account. 


Hopefully, now you have a brief idea about WHM AND C panel and how it differs from each other not only in terms of its interface but also in terms of uses. 


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