Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS

 Before diving into the comparison part of HTTP and HTTPS, let us briefly introduce both these protocols so that we can get more idea about both protocols and get a better understanding of the comparison part. 


HTTP stands for hypertext protocol. HTTP offer set rules and standards which govern how any information can be transmitted worldwide. When the user makes an HTTP request on the browser, the web server sends the requested data to the user in the form of web pages. 

You can say it's a layered protocol built on top of TCP. it provides some standard rules to the web browser and the server to communicate and connect. 

Well, now we can have a look at HTTPS. 


HTTPS stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure. It is a highly advanced and secured version of HTTP. It mainly uses port no. 443 for data communication. HTTPS protocol is mainly needed for that website where it is necessary to enter valid and valuable credentials like bank details and other social media site details. HTTPS mainly provides an SSL certificate for a website which make website secure

HTTPS allows you to create a secure encrypted connection between the server and the browser. It offers you the bi-directional security of the data. The main use of this security is to protect sensitive information from being stolen. 

Hope now you have got a brief idea about HTTP and HTTPS. Let us now summarize the comparison of HTTP and HTTPS 

Comparison of HTTP and HTTPS 

1. HTTP, mainly, you must know, is less secure as the data is vulnerable to attackers. And on the other side, HTTPS is designed to prevent hackers from accessing critical information. 

2. HTTP uses port 80 by default; on the other hand, HTTPS uses port 443 by default.

3. HTTP Work on the application layer HTTPS work on the transport layer. 

4. Google does not give the main preference to HTTP; Google only gives the main preference to HTTPS as HTTPS is a secured website. 

5. HTTPS does not use data hashtags to secure data. At the same time, HTTPS will have the data before sending it and return it to its original state on the side of the receiver. 

Hope this article was helpful!!!! 


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