How to install a PHP script in cPanel?
As from the heading itself you might have came to know that this writeup will be regarding how to install PHP script in cPanel but before all this major thing you must first know what pHp script is.
What is PHP?
Basically PHP is a server side scripting language used for web development. PHP stands for Hyper text preprocessor and its an open source programming language used to create dynamic web pages and web applications.
It is basically written in plain text and are embedded in HTML code. They are executed on the server before the web page is sent on the clients web browser. PHP script can interact with databases, generate dynamic content, and also sometime to perform complex calculations.
PHP is mostly used for creating content management systems like e-commerce websites, and web applications. It is also compatible with various operating systems, web servers, and databases. PHP is a popular choice for web development due to its easy to use, flexibility, and ability to integrate with other technologies.
Hope Now you have got some idea about PHP and how it works. Now lets jump into how to install PHP script on your server.
1. First you have to Login to your cPanel account.
2. Now from the visible tools which is available select the “File Manager” and open it.
3. Now you have to search for the “public_html” directory.
4. Click on the “Upload” option on the top.
5. Now click on the “select file” button & choose file.
6. Just wait for the 100% upload
7. Now you can see the zip file of wordpress inside the public_html folder.
8. Right click on the file and click on the “Extract” to Extract the zip folder.
9. You will see a pop-up window will open to enter the path you wish to extract the files.Now click on the “Extract files”.
10.After extracting the file a pop-up window will appear with the extracted files shown in it. Dont worry you dont need to do anything just click on the close button.
11. Now the next step is to create the database. For this you have to go to the cPanel main page & click on the “MySQL Databases” and start building your database.
12. In that you can enter the name you want in the blank space below “Create New Database” and click on “create Database” . You have successfully started the process of building the database.
13. Now click on “GO back” to create a user.
14. Now to create user for ”MYSQL”. Go to “MySQL Users” and type the username . Always make sure that you also use alphanumeric characters in the username. Also you have to put some strong password. The stronger the password lower its risk.
15. Now after successfully entering the password click on the create user button.
16. Next step is to add the created user to the database for the script to work perfectly with database. Now scroll down in that same page. Now go to the “Add user to database” showing two dropdowns. Now select the database you created from the second drop down click on the “ADD Button”
17. Now select all the checkboxes in the “manage user privileges” section and click on “Make changes” selecting “All privileges” will allow the user full access to the database through the script.
Yupeee its successfully done. You have successfully installed the PHP script in cPanel
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